Become a partner of Tournoi de Villemomble

We wish:

  1. to show fencing and disabled fencing to a maximum of persons: fencing is not a very known and mediatic sport
  2. to help disabled integration: during this competition, our aim is that fencers are considered as high level athlets (disabled or valids).
  3. to enlarge the competitors by inviting new first world ranking delegations: Hong Kong and USA.

You wish:

  1. to associate your image with an integration action
  2. to have local and international visibility, and in the fencing world
  3. to help us to invite foreign delegations and confirm the high level show

then join us as a partner of the tournament !

You will have a fiscal reduction of 60% of given amounts (french companies only).


Download the Partnership presentation (in French)

Dossier de partenarait





Mairie de Villemomble Seine-Saint-Denis Credit Agricole Ile de France - Caisse Locale de Montreuil Spiecapag Lion s Club Le Raincy-Villemomble COMOPRINT - L impression facile en ligne par (Comosol Group) Comité Départemental d'Escrime 93 Mairie de Paris Les Serres de Viillemomble